It's Okey, but just give me these shoes! o__o ALL OF THEM!

Happy New Year!

Another year have passed!
I wish 2014 will be a better year!
Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Give me those!

Shoes, shoes, and more shoes!
Can't get enough of shoes!
If you have good looking shoes you have
found true love! n__n
I love high heels, and shoes with a lot of bling-bling!
Im in love!
I want those Hello Kitty high heels, they are
so perfect and eould make me complete!
Its crazy how a pair of shoes can make you so happy!

Want that nail decoration!

Christmas is soon here,
I feel like a little child, waiting!
What do you wish for this 2013's christmas?
I wish for three things;
1. Get a tattoo
2. Get angelbites
and the third one is:
3. Money
But I would satisfied with a
good 2014! :D
Comment and share.

Super Mario Cake .

Mind-fucked, think I want to be a mermaid instead .

Its another day at school.
One hour and I feel that I hate
it so much already.
All the pain it causes,
and all that fucking stupid work!
But, guess school is better then
working somewhere where you
not belong, right?
Have to keep up the
positve thoughts.
All that thinking about what to du after the exam
is killing me from inside and my head
go boom boom, POOW!
I've a lots of plans, ideas and energie that
I want to use but..
How? How can I fucking use it?
Im to mind-fucked for this sh*t
today, yeah..
I want to be a mermaid!
Bye, for now

Some people just don't care .

Nail ideas .

My mood right now; cold as ice!

God morning.
Im so cold, like a ice cube!
Just a few days ago I needed to sleep with
opend window because I always
where so warm, but today
Im so cold as ice!
What happend?
And stupied as I am..
even if Im cold,
do I put on some more cloths?
For course not! o.o
Im a dumb idiot, yes.
I need a one piece like the picture!
Give me!

Wishes .

I wish so badly that you could be close to me,
and while the time passes we lost each other,
in the futher I hope and wish for that we find 'us' again.

December, be nice to me, please?

Just some lovly pictures of christmas feelings,
even if I don't have any.

Endless madness .

I don't think I will update so much today.
I've one of those days I just want to get out of the
fighting area and throw the towel in,
but that is only what I feel.
Everyone have their up and downs,
and today my feelings are like everywhere.
"seriously feeling? Get out of my fucking mind!"
As long as you not painting black on black,
and not turning it all to a dead end, it will be
alright, soon enough, but not fast enough.
Take care, xoxo

Flower of a bone .

You left me,
Left me alone,
I died,
Yes, I did,
Slowly I became
nothing more
then broken,
You could see
right through me,
I wanted to tell
you so much,
But I never saw
the chance,
Tell me, you said,
No, you are to childish,
A secret is a secret
for a good reason,
because everyone
dosn't need to know,
They won't even care,
You know, I would love
to tell it for you,
but my heart is so broken,
and all you see
is me left open.
All those bones,
they where like my temple
to keep me alive,
but you breaked it all,
Now Im nothing
more then a little flower,
seeking for sun,
that I never can
find because
you took my heart!

Too much internet, hmm, I guess so .


✿ Nail art ✿

My little pony!

My little pony, aww so cute!
Its saturday, and what happening?
- fix my car
- eat candy
- be fat
- eat more candy
- daydream
Its soon christmas..
Im a the only one that dont like christmas anymore?
Its just so boring!
Sure.. the food is the thing i like the most,
but You can eat ham when you whany, not
just on christmas eve, sigh.
I want to skip this years christmas and new year,
hate it too, if not even more.
Hate to say " oh its just a new year", sigh,
new year with new fails for me.
Fuck christmas, new years and school.
I want to move!
But.. hear ya later have so e few stuff to take
care of right now..

My mood right now o.o just screw everyone exept my boy.

Alternative style, is the way to go!

Be who you are, or change it who you are!
As long as you are happy, its dosnt matter which one!
Stay strong, do what ever feels right for you and be proud
because of that you are you and no one else!
Love yourself, because you are beautiful,
with or without make-up, you are so perfect
either way, remember that!

F-word, its Monday!

Good morning, cute readers!
Its Monday, slow day,
everything is expacted to go wrong,
of course, its f-word Monday!
Hopfull it will soon come a wind that will turn
it all to good again! :)
So, babes, hear your later when that wind of change have come.
And just because of that...
I will have to listen to " Wind of Change " right now!
Blogin' later, hawdiiie folks!

Weekend with my sweetheart ♡

How was your weekend?
Mine was.. not as expacted but still so danm good.
I didnt dye my hair pink, I took that
time and spend with my sweetie instead,
And wow what a amazing time!
That will be hard to beat! c(^__^c)
He is the most beautiful thing that ever happend to me,
and wow what I wish so badly that I could spend a
eternity with him, but guess I have to be satisfied
with " until death tear us apart", sigh!
Love ya honey-boo! ♡
So, white chocolate must be one of the greatest
things that ever been inventet!
Woho, what I adore White chocolate right now!
Up to work tomorrow, urgh, i dont want to, sigh.
Just because Im suppose to be an angel to everyone.
But.. so is life I guess.
Oh, I hate that I try to be so nice,
even if I cant, fucking hate it! c.c
✿ Sometimes you forget people so easy because you still want them in your life! ✿