Im One My Way!
Hello, beautiful creatures!
Yesterday night I decided something that is huge for me
and also a new starting point for me in life!
For a very long time I have waited for a wind to blow,
that also would mean a new change for myself.
Im so tired of being in the dark, waiting and watching others.
So, yesterday I found that wind, and it wispred sweet words into my ear.
" Are you ready? Your time to change is here. Will you take it?"
And as the wind touched my cheek, I saw it all.
If I wanted a changed I need to fight for it, and make it happend!
Im done, I dont want to be unhappy anymore!
Im on my way to find my own happiness!
"Caught like a fly a fly in the web of your lies" - Falling In Revers ♡
Im no longer stuck in a web of my own lies!
Between, Because I getting a new start that also mean that the blog will
hopfull get a new start as well, isnt that so exciting?
Im so damn happy!
I hope you all will continue reading, and that my new readers will found this
worth reading and follow!
(Promise it will be alots of updates and so on!)
Love you all so much,
thanks for the support!