To Neverland And Futher .

Time to clean my room, pff, boring!
But it aint so bad after all.
Its always fun to found things that your have
search for a long time, hihi.
But I got to much things everywhere...
It gonna be so nice to have organize my
things, and especially all my make-up!
Maybe I will buy some new things so it could
help me organize my things.
Sigh, all those papers and school things
make me go crazy!
I dont know where to but it! o__0
(Its the same problem with my make-up, thought)
So, babes, I've to continue cleaning and
later I going to dye my hair dark pink, or dark purple!
Woop woop, for that! :3

Weekend Time .

Hello bitches,
No, you all is so sweet,
I love you guys.
Weekend had just started woop woop.
Lots of funny things, dye my hair and clean my room.
And of course blogin' for you guys! ^^
Right now Im watching TV with some friends,
having a good time, yeah.
Blogin' for ya later, dudes!

Roses .

Tomorrow or during the weekend I will dye my hair pink, so wonderful!
Wish me good luck babes! :3
And by the way, I will go shopping tomorrow!
Oh, shopping make my heart beat! :D
Good night, sweetheart! :)

Perfection .

So many times,
I all ask you why,
No one got the answer,
No one tell,
Don't blame the princess,
She havn't done anything,
That you can blame on her,
They see those seas,
I see pain in those eyes,
They say "belive",
I say " make it come true",
All I want is to make it all last!
A Sky Of Glamour .

Painting my nails blue, one of the best colors I know!
Haha, aint fun reading about nail polish, yay?
I thought so, dudes.
Today I've been working, thin. I got
some sort of gas in my lungs before so
I've been coughing since then o__O'
So awkward!
Yeah, going down town later, woop woop.
Some shopping with friends will always
cheer you up, right?
To night I also got to study, fuck!
That aint fun!
But it you got good resaults on the test
its so worth the pain of studing, yeah.
But need to go now,
See you later!

Black lips and moon light .

The best make up product I've bought this year
is a night black lip stick, so perfect for my look!
Another thing..
Don't be afraid to do things that may make you happy!
What can you lose? Happiness!
Don't be afraid to show the world who you are,
if they want you to change, then they don't
like the real you!
Thats something to think about, remember that!

I miss summer time!

Beauty Inside .

Just a normal day.
Im out working, as usual.
I thinking on how my world and people
around me sees me, and
think, maybe they thing Im psyko,
or just perfect because Im me.
Yesterday I spend 4 hours by traveling back home
to my place from my parents, sigh.
I wish sometimes that time would move
just a little bit faster, but in normal
situations Im just happy,
sometimes time are movie to fast,
even if I dont want to, sigh again.
But I have to continue working with my prodjects, haha.m
Hear ya later!

Rainbows, Rainbows Everywhere!

Soon Im going home again, finally!
But this weekend have been good,
not like the past few weekends that
sucked so much.
I want cupcakes!
See you soon, babes!

Jem ✪

Am I the only one who remember Jem and her girls?
I remember that I wanted to be like her, she was and still is and idol to me!
She taught me that life isn't always easy, but you can
still make your best and see what it leads to!
Jem is a idea source, that I still look up to!

I would love to have those o.o' Give me!!

I think I will buy some new cloths and some damn hot shoes soon! yummy! (:
What kind of shoes do you like?
Pumps, lita or just high heels?
Comment, and tell me your favorit shoe!
Galaxy Love

Isn't he so perfect?
He is like taking out from my dreams!
Im One My Way!

Hello, beautiful creatures!
Yesterday night I decided something that is huge for me
and also a new starting point for me in life!
For a very long time I have waited for a wind to blow,
that also would mean a new change for myself.
Im so tired of being in the dark, waiting and watching others.
So, yesterday I found that wind, and it wispred sweet words into my ear.
" Are you ready? Your time to change is here. Will you take it?"
And as the wind touched my cheek, I saw it all.
If I wanted a changed I need to fight for it, and make it happend!
Im done, I dont want to be unhappy anymore!
Im on my way to find my own happiness!
"Caught like a fly a fly in the web of your lies" - Falling In Revers ♡
Im no longer stuck in a web of my own lies!
Between, Because I getting a new start that also mean that the blog will
hopfull get a new start as well, isnt that so exciting?
Im so damn happy!
I hope you all will continue reading, and that my new readers will found this
worth reading and follow!
(Promise it will be alots of updates and so on!)
Love you all so much,
thanks for the support!