Stared at a hand-some boy and started to drool! AKWARD moment!

I saw a really hand-some boy today, and dumb as Im..,I stared and started to drool..
Suddenly the boy was looking back, and I find it very embarrassing! Akward moment!
Beside that moment with that boy.. I have been on the beach all day, AWSOME! c(=^__^=c) 
So now I got nothing to do :( So, I think I going to play some video games and be like " Kill, kill kill! Mohaha!" 
Sound great, dont you think? :D 
What kind of games do you guys like to play? :D Comment and tell me!

Postat av: Christer butlah karlsson

Hi i like warhammer 40k dawn of war darck crusade =D

2013-07-29 @ 17:56:34

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