
Hey, now I have restated this blog in hope that I will make more updates, and more pics!
I hope you like it, and will check me out everday to help me develop my blog.
My parents and my bro have been on vaccation for about 11 Days now, and today is the day the coming home!
So its alot to do. I want to make them comfortable and relieve for them by carry in bags and stuff. All though they have drived a car for about 6 hours, and that can be exhausting, and because Im such a good daughter I want to welcome them varmly.
Of course you all wonder why I didn't Went on vaccation with them, and its pretty simple.
It is because I didnt feel like it, and had a lot of things going on in my mind so, I decided to stay home
and work with mmy own mind, and try to get my confidence back. And guess what, I completed my goul, and for the first time for a very long time it feels like Im back to beeing me again. Thats so great!
But to make a long history to a shorter one, I just ending this first
update since restarting with to say: I hope you will continue to follow me! c(^--^c)
Hear you soon!


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