Beauty And Emo Style

Hello m8s! :D 
Yesterday my parents came home from beeing on vaccation and of course thehaves bought alot of things!
Yeah! I knew they would buy me something because I had asked them about it, but I didn't expect them to buy so much, so Im in chock, and really happy! 
For once in my life it starts to feel like Im actually me, and only me! 
They have bought:
- Three shirts, and lots of thights and knee socks with cute bows on! c:
- alot of socks, because Im a master to misplace them so bad that Suddenly Im totaly oufood socks! 
- My bro bought me a tank top, a yellow one, its so hovisits different colors! 
- a lot of perfumes, because Im sort of addicted to spry on perfume all the time. But Hey, WHO dosn't want to smell good? c(^__^c) 
- Then my mother was cute and bought me hair colors, because she knew how badly I wanted to dye my hair! 
So dear readers, Im no longer blonde! I have dyed my hair to purple/pink color, and actually its so cool, I really love it! The best of it is that my mother though it suits me, yeah! :3 She also bought me a sign to hang on the wall that says " När allt känns hopplöst, Ring mamma!" which meaning " When everything seems hopeless, Call your mother!". Isnt that so kind and cute? I love my mommy!
- Of course I got a lot more stuff, like some Hello Kitty things, make-up and so on! 
But now I will paint my nails, so see you later, dears folks! :D 


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